
For years, posture has been blamed as a primary cause of back pain. We’ve all heard it (and we've probably all said it): “Sit up straight!” or “Slouching will ruin your back!” Recent research is starting to paint a different picture: focusing too much on posture might not be the key to solving your back pain. Here’s why:

 1. Slouching Isn’t Always Bad

Slouching can get a bad reputation, but in reality, it can sometimes *relieve* pain or discomfort. Certain injuries and conditions actually benefit from slouching, as this will take pressure off of injured or irritated tissues.

2. Posture Might Be Distracting You from the Real Issues

Payton Manning is a Super Bowl winning, NFL hall of famer who currently hosts a Monday night football commentary show, The ManningCast, with his brother Eli. During the game between the San Fransico 49ers and the New York Jets this past week, Brandon Aiyuk, wide receiver for the San Francisco 49ers, missed a few easily catchable passes, one of which was a touchdown pass. Payton blamed these mistakes on Aiyuk skipping the off-season practices and all of training camp, due to a contract dispute:

Tummy time is an essential activity for infants, contributing significantly to their physical development and overall health. It is recommended to start tummy time from day 1.

An achievable way to encourage tummy time for your newborn is by holding them against your chest while you are in a reclined position. This method not only promotes bonding but also helps the baby develop neck and shoulder muscles. A great time to try a round of tummy time is right after a diaper change when your baby is likely to be awake and alert.

Ideally, babies should have supervised tummy time for about 3-5 minutes, 2-3 times a day at first, gradually increasing the duration as they grow stronger and more comfortable. This practice helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and arm muscles, promoting motor skills that are crucial for milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling.

To make tummy time enjoyable, caregivers can engage with the baby by singing, talking, or using high contrast toys to capture their attention. Always ensure tummy time is conducted on a safe, flat surface, and never leave the baby unattended.


Why should babies do tummy time?

Most of us think of contacting a physiotherapist after an injury has occurred. But did you know that one of our primary goals at Energize Health is preventing injuries in the first place? Especially for kids!

It's natural to worry about your child's safety, especially when they're playing sports. Injuries are unfortunately a common occurrence in many physical activities. Thankfully, there are ways to help reduce the risk of your child getting hurt, and ways to help them recover if they do happen to get injured while participating in their favourite sport.

You can help your young athlete stay healthy and in the game by working with a physiotherapist. Here are 4 ways our Calgary physiotherpists can help your child athlete.
