

TMJD is short for temporomandibular joint disorder and is commonly referred to as TMJ. The temporomandibular joint is a hinge/glide joint where your jaw bone connects to the upper jaw and skull. When this joint is not functioning properly due to misalignment, inflammation, or other reasons, it can result in jaw and neck pain, clicking or popping in the joint, trouble chewing, headaches, earaches, and, in severe cases, the jaw can become stuck or locked in position.

We can help.

Common Causes of TMJD

Repetitive Motion / Habits
Repetitive Motion / Habits
  • Clenching,
  • Grinding,
  • Biting,
  • Chewing,
  • Playing with objects in your mouth, or
  • Increased load on the articular surfaces of the temporomandibular joint
Direct trauma to the jaw
Direct trauma to the jaw
  • Fracture,
  • Blow to the chin,
  • Motor vehicle accidents,
  • Extended opening of the jaw (such as during a dental procedure)
Indirect trauma to the jaw
Indirect trauma to the jaw
  • Whiplash, or
  • Falls

TMJD Treatment:
What to Expect

Your first appointment includes a thorough assessment of the structures of your head, neck and jaw to determine the precise cause and location of your TMJ disorder. Your clinician will then form a treatment plan  to acheive the best resolution possible.
Our approach includes a combination of education, manual therapies, exercises and stretches. Using gradual and gentle TMJ massage and other therapeutic modalities, we are often able to resolve jaw pain and dysfunction with minimal discomfrot.
Homecare / Exercises
Homecare / Exercises
Your clinician will equip you with strengthening or stretching techniques you can use to manage your symptoms at home. This results in faster recovery, with less in-clinic sessions