

Eliminate Foot Pain

Our custom orthotics should create the most comfortable footwear you own. 

  • reduce foot and ankle pain
  • Improve your balance 
  • unload injured tendons and ligaments
  • reduce risk of injury
  • impove athletic performance

Custom orthotics are supported by research

Your feet don't need to change, but they may need to be supported. We are all unique and our feet are all different. There is no such thing as a perfect arch or a perfect stride, there is only your arch and your stride. The goal of our orthotics is not to change your foot or how you walk, it is to support your foot in whatever position is natural for you. This will allow for a reduction in any discomfort you have while being on your feet.

Our custom orthotics should create the most comfortable footwear you own. From the moment you step onto the orthotic, you should notice an improvement in balance and stability and likely a decrease in discomfort.

The Orthotic Process:

Orthopedic Assessment: Your clinician will conduct an orthopedic assessment to determine how best to support your foot and relieve your discomfort. This process may involve a gait assessment, range of motion assessment, balance testing and specific manual therapy techniques.

Creating the Orthotics:

Based on the results of your assessment and your functional goals, your clinician will create your custom orthotics during the initial appointment.

After selecting the shell most suited for your foot and functional goals, we will heat and custom mold the orthotic to your foot. This active process ensures that the orthotic fits perfectly and gives you the support you need when doing the activities that you love.

Re-assessment/ Refining: Often what feels fantastic right away, will not feel so perfect after a few weeks. As you spend more time on your orthotics, you may feel an area that needs to be adjusted. With a follow-up appointment, your clinician will customize the orthotic to ensure it is perfected fitted and suited to your foot.


Formthotics Facts

Thermoformable: Formthotics can be custom heat molded numerous times to ensure the perfect fit to your foot, even after significant wear.

Antimicrobial: Formthotics are antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal due to the Ultra-Fresh additives. This helps reduce odor and staining.

Foam: Formthotics contain a variety of closed cell foams that have varying density for support and cushioning. 

Shockstop: ShockStop is a hybrid EVA polymer foam for maximum shock absorption and cushioning. This minimizes impact on muscles, joints and tendons and enables a faster recovery after performance. Independent lab tests have shown that ShockStop is more than twice as effective as other materials in absorbing shock. 
